The active community group make full use of the church, which is the only public building in the Parish, and welcomes all in the community and visitors to their activities.
Everyone is very welcome to the church, be it for services or non-secular activities and can be assured that they can participate safely.


The church is open daily from 9am to 4pm. There are information boards in the porch which tell the history of this little church and visitors are most welcome to keep a copy of the church guide and history booklet which they will find inside the church.

Who's Who

Revd Stephen Cook - Northmoor Team Rector
(01837) 659297 Email Stephen
Revd Leigh Winsbury - Team Vicar
 (01837) 810610  Email Leigh
Michael Winter - Licensed Reader
Duncan Michie - Church Warden & Treasurer
(01837) 851961 Email Duncan
Jude Westlake - Safeguarding Officer
 (01837) 851996 Email Jude
Hilary Winter - PCC Secretary
(01837) 851718 Email Hilary
Edward Stephens - Web Master
Colin Westlake - Electoral Roll Officer
(01837) 851996 ​Email Colin​​​